rattle queen.
She owns it. Her movements are becoming coordinated and she's figured out how to grab hold of things and entertain herself. I just can't grasp hold of how quickly she's changing.
Yesterday a box arrived at our door. It was address to Brady and I don't open or pay much attention to his packages. After he got home from work he told me to close my eyes and when I opened them this is what I saw:
Biggest box of chocolates in the world. We gave gifts to each other last night because his gifts for me were a little too hard for him to hide in our dinky 600 square foot apartment.
Last year he got me a big box of chocolates that was shaped like a heart and when we opened it we were disappointed to find that it only contained 9 pieces of chocolate.
This box has 2 1/2 lbs of freakin chocolate. Now that's what I'm talking about!
My Valentines flowers from California have bloomed. :)
My gift to Brady was simple. It was a card I designed on shutterfly. I was more than pleased with the results. Personal notes and photos of the major holidays in our life with Avey so far. This is not a throw away card but it's something that we are going to keep for a long time. I was so excited to give it to him and his reaction didn't disappoint.
Pop Heart Valentine's Card
Unique shower invitations and birth announcements by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.
I'm a fan of Valentines day. My parents always made a point of giving us little Valentines day presents and it's something I know that Brady and I will do with our kiddos.
Recently I began to think back about past relationships and you know what? I was surprised to discover that I was always single on Valentines Day. Brady was my first real Valentine.
And that's special. My first romantic Valentines Day was spent with him and my last will be spent with him.
It's a fun day dedicated to thinking about and spoiling the ones you love. Before I was married I shared it with my parents, brothers, and sister. Now that I have Brady and Avey I share it with them.
Last Valentines day Brady was going to treat me to dinner at my favorite restaurant but I wanted to stay in so I made orange chicken from scratch and we had chinese.
It was not an easy meal to prepare and I haven't made it since but in the honor of hopefully creating a tradition of our own I am going to recreate our first Valentines meal together and we are going to have it again tonight.
Happy Valentines Day!

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