7 months.
She crawls now. Well it's not really a crawl-- more of a pushup lunge but she gets around. Tugging on cords, eating random things off the floor, getting into the DVD's-- she is mobile. It's exciting to see her grow. My eyes have been opened to how un-baby-proof my house is. We're trying to house proof the baby. I spanked her hand the other day and she looked at me like I was crazy. I'll let you know how it goes.
Pushup lunges have become second in worry land to pulling up on furniture. This is a new skill that she has developed over the past few months. She is still not so great at it so I am pulled away from laundry, dishes, vacuuming, decorating, alphabetizing my library, and cooking several times a day. There is a bang and then a terror filled scream that can only be halted with a hug and a nurse.
She still has little to no interest in baby food. I've begun giving her small little bites off my plate whenever we sit down to eat and she seems to do alright with that but she makes a big show of coughing and gagging anytime we try baby food. I think she may go from nursing to solids.
After she wakes up she'll sit still and watch an entire episode of Baby Einstein that is when I get the majority of my work accomplished. She is pretty content to play by herself unless she's sleepy and then she wants me to sit next to her.
At night Brady and I like to watch movies. She sits on the couch with us, in the crook of my arm, and watches too. She is turning into a little person--it's hilarious.
weight loss.
In March I weighed a whopping 220.3 lbs. I decided to start the 30 day shred and adopt a couple healthier eating habits. Before I got pregnant with Avey I weighed 204 lbs and at my heaviest weight ever--9 months pregnant and ready to pop I tipped the scales at 258 lbs.
I remember the last time I was below 200 lbs. It was in 2008. The day after I hauled all my stuff to Colorado Springs to begin attending the New Life School of Worship. I stepped on the scales and was appalled to see that I was 198 lbs. I called a friend and swore that I'd never see the other side of 200. I was on a mission to get my weight under control but no matter what I tried--eating healthy, working out-- I just couldn't seem to lose the weight and when I came home in 2009 I was 212 lbs and it was then that I was told that I had hypothyroid disease-- an autoimmune disorder that can cause significant weight gain.
When we moved to Texas in 2006 I was 125 lbs.
87 lbs in three years.
It was horrifying and humiliating. I was 20 years old and I had stretch marks and cellulite.
I've tried diet plans and gym memberships but nothing ever worked. I'm addicted to food. The other day the power went out and all I could think of was going to In-n-Out to get a burger because I was upset that my plans to decorate that evening had been spoiled. I eat when I'm sad, bored, happy, annoyed--any emotion is a reason to eat.
In March I began to lose. In April we moved and I used that as my excuse to go back to the way I ate before. I told myself that as soon as we moved into our new place I'd go back to the diet. I did not anticipate that our home renovations would take us two months.
I weighed 209 lbs the day we moved into our new home and I am proud to report that I weighed in at 197 lbs this morning. 12 lbs in three weeks. I'm very proud of myself.
I've lost 23 lbs since March and 61 lbs since I had Avey. I am very very proud of myself.
The day I saw that I was no longer in the 200's was a life changing day. I cried. I hadn't seen the 100's in three years.
A tour of our new little home is coming soon!

Sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the good work :) Your little one is adorable. I think she's close to the same age as my niece.
ReplyDeleteShe is adorable!!!! That photo of her falling asleep on the couch with you... so precious :) You are doing amazing with weight loss!