A little over a year ago Brady and I moved into a little one bedroom apartment in Prosper, Tx. We quickly discovered that apartment living was not for us. Honestly, I didn't mind it so much I'm the oldest of seven. I'm used to sharing, being inconvenienced, and never having space-- ever. But Brady is a country boy a.k.a- a different breed of human.
Now when we moved to Prosper I had a fit because my parents had basically picked up and hauled us all the way to the middle of nowhere. It was rural. There wasn't a Starbucks down the street or down the block or anywhere within twenty minutes of us and it was brutal. There were no restaurants in our town and if your ordered pizza you couldn't have it delivered. There are no curbs, or sidewalks, or street lights. I'm talking--ru-ral!
I grew up in California where your house touches your neighbors house and if your house is on a quarter acre boy you've got property! But my definition of country is not Brady's definition of country. We grew up worlds apart. His parents actually had land. I'm talking acres plural. He really lived out in the middle of nowhere. His graduating class was like 12. He went to elementary school in the same building he went to high school in. You could shoot a gun on your property and the cops wouldn't show up. Heck! Their town doesn't even have cops just highway patrol men and volunteers.
When I say country it means no Starbucks when Brady says country it mean no paved road, no neighborhood, no fire fighters, or hospital, or anything, or anyone within like 50-100 acres of you! Believe me I didn't know places like that existed until I met him.
she scratched her poor little face. :( |
After we found out we were pregnant our small apartment got even smaller for Brady. Between the cigarette smoke of our chain smokin' neighbor and the light pollution boy was about to go crazy. We started looking for homes about a month ago. We wanted an investment property so we began looking at duplexes specifically. Our plan is to live in one side and rent out the other. Basically have someone pay our mortgage for us while we finish paying off debt. Debt meaning Brady's truck and student loans.
It's not forever. Just for now. Once we have our debt paid off and then the duplex paid off (roughly 8 years) then we'll buy land and begin building our own place.
I am excited to say that we found a place. It's in Blue Ridge, Tx. and it's a little bit country but with just enough city to keep me sane. It doesn't take much city to keep me sane these days. It has a little mom and pop grocery store (that serves beer now. the real estate lady thought that was a selling point.) and a little cafe. Not much but enough. Today we are going to submit an offer and if things go as planned will be moving in next month!
my little baby is not so little anymore. |
Last week I breastfed on a college campus and it was way weird. Sarah, my brother Kyle's fiance, is a dancer. Like legit dancer. Dance scholarship to SMU legit. I am such a fan. I drug Avey to her performance on campus because I'm a groupie.
I didn't get very many good photos-- she moves so fast I kept missing the best parts-- but I got a couple decent ones. The photos don't do her a bit of justice.
Avey was captivated.
She was also captivated by something else. Sister likes the ta-tas.
Avey's first dance show was a hit. She stayed quite the entire time and just enjoyed the show. I love introducing her to new things.

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