Friday, April 20, 2012

Avey Joy

I love it when Avey wakes up from a nap and starts talking crazy to herself, rolling in the covers and sticking her little toes in her little mouth. She starts whispering because she sees me watching her and she rolls away to avoid breaking into a smile because girlfriend loves it when she gets someones attention with her jibberish.


Then all the sudden she realizes no one is holding her or sitting next to her and she decides that that is not okay. So she starts with the growling and the whining and the general misconduct of a... 5 month old (seriously?!) until I come and sit next to her.

Then she smiles and quickly realizes that that is not enough. Sister wants a cuddle and a nurse and who am I to deny her?


Sometimes when I'm in the middle of something and need one more minute I throw a pillow on her, she thinks it's funny and it occupies her for a good 3 minutes. Which usually gives me enough time to fly through whatever I was doing and rush to her side once more because she still wants that cuddle and a pillow is not her momma.


She likes to stick her little hands up and touch my mouth and I know exactly what she wants. I love to bite on her little hands. I curl my lips in over my teeth and make a deep "mmmmamamama" sound. Super attractive. Brady digs it. I've done it-- well-- since she was born and now she reaches her little hands up to my mouth and smiles like crazy when I bite on them. When I stop she does it again and I know we get each other.


She likes to sit in her bumbo chair and scream while griping the white pummel in the middle. She looks like an old, crazy, shirtless woman driving a car. She's awesome and she makes me laugh all the time. Like her daddy. I knew those two would be just alike!


Basically I have the coolest 5 month old (seriously?!) in the world and I have never been happier.


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