I put the shred on hold for a couple of days because my left knee started to really act up and per Brady's request-- instead of risking serious injury-- I took a break to let it heal up a bit. Today I begin once more. Which makes it day 14 or day 1. Haven't decided how I'm going to look at it yet.
I am still on Level 1-- I can make it all the way through every exercise without stopping except for push-ups, the static lunges with bicep curls, and the interior raises with side lunges. Which is a huge improvement from day 1 when I couldn't even make it eight minutes.
Weight loss has been gradual, like I knew it would be. This morning I weighed in at 211. Which means I've lost 9 lbs. Pre-pregnancy I was 209. That is a milestone I am really looking foreword to. I hope to be there by next Monday-- we'll see!
For the last week I've been having issues with my bm's which is something that has never happened to me before. Last weekend I was in so much pain I took a stool softener. I've read that when people begin a workout routine or change their eating habits its something that can happen but it wasn't something I was expecting. I'm trying to eat lots of fiber rich foods to get back on track. Hopefully it can all be resolved fairly quickly because I don't do well with stomach pain... or any pain for that matter.
Sister is getting so big! She loves to sit up. Leave her on her back and she'll fuss but sit her up so she can look around the room and she's as happy as a clown.
On the 21'st of this month she'll be 5 months old and that to me is unreal. Our hospital stay seems like such a long time ago but it doesn't feel like we've had her for 4 1/2 months-- certainly not almost 1/2 a year.
We've retired all of her newborn clothes. It was easier than I thought it would be. I was excited to put her in something new. Excited to see that she's healthy and growing like she should be. We are in 0-3 month clothes now and this week I was able to put her in 3 month pants and they didn't fall off.
We have also had a run in with the big scary teething monster. It is so far from pretty. If she isn't being held with something in her mouth or nursed she is fussing and my brain can't handle it. It's super sad because I know she's not feeling well but by 8pm my sentiments are, "If you can't beat 'em-- join 'em." So that is what I do and then we both make Brady miserable. It's awesome.
lunch date.
At chipotle with my mother.
Then there was a Target stop for Easter presents and groceries.
Avey is fascinated with the way things look-- I guess it's because she's never seen any of it before. She was a model baby showing off how perfect she can be-- until the book fell on her head. Totally my fault.
I set a Dr. Seuss book on top of the diaper bag--it fell and gave her a little wap on the head.
Bad Mommy Moment.
Then I gave her the box of nursing pads and she was A-OK.
Good Mommy Moment.
Tuesday morning I was taking pictures of the rain, getting ready to write a post, and I opened up my laptop to see people freaking out about a tornado. Que phone call from Brady. He gave me the how-to on making a shelter in the bathtub because I'm from California and all they teach you there is how to brace yourself in a doorway--thanks a lot California that does me a lot of good now.
I ran around the house collecting blankets, pillows, and chair cushions while Avey chilled in her bath seat.
Then I built a fort that looked way cooler when you were in it than outside of it.
We chilled out until we got the all clear from Brady. I feel like I should get Avey a t-shirt that says "I survived my first tornado."
Honestly, I'm just glad that everyone survived. Tornado in Dallas. I didn't expect to hear that it didn't claim any lives. I hoped but I didn't expect it.
Grateful to know that the Lord is in control.

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